Below is a full list of FAQs we've received to help give you all of the details you need for the league, rules, and general format.
If you have any questions not addressed below, please contact us on any of our social platforms or email us directly at
Is the league competitive? What happens if either myself or one of our teammates is new to the game? Will I still have fun?
While there will be experienced players in the league, the entire goal is to create a positive and fun experience for all. Newer players will be coached and encouraged by TAG veterans/regulars to help everyone feel welcome and have a great time in the league.
There are also newer teams/players in the league so don't worry if you haven't played much or hardly at all. The goal is to get players playing against a variety of different teams/playstyles in all kinds of our game modes!
Our main focus is ensuring the growth of the sport. We will always try our best to ensure everyone has fun.
Is there a roster lock date? Can a player leave a team and join another?
Rosters officially lock in after the 3rd event before playoffs. Teams will not be able to release or add players (unless there is an extreme circumstance approved by the League TO).
Players are able to leave teams they are playing with but must notify the team captains of both teams and the League TO. Players may not leave a team once an event has started as they are locked in for the session.
I don't have a team, but would like to play in the league. How can I join a team?
We have a very active community server for TAG on Discord. Many of our teams have at least a couple players from their squads on there. Please reach out to us on one of our social platforms, email us, or join the Discord server (link at the icon at the top of our website) and we'll do our best to connect you with players in the community.
What if I have a player who can't make one of the events? Am I able to add a stand in player to our roster for a single event?
Yes! You can absolutely add players as needed during the regular season if an existing player is unable to make a specific event date.​
So exactly how many individual games would I get to play in the league? How does it work?
During the regular season you play against each other team in the league once (round robin format). Each time you play against another team it is in the format of a Best of 7 series. Within this best of 7 series you can play a possible total of 7 games of Laser Tag. So based off of 8 teams on average you get to play a total of 39 full Laser Tag games!
How do the event days work? What happens when we finish our series against our scheduled opponent?
Each Event Date will have a set of scheduled matches to be played. Teams will play using the split deck format. This teams two teams are playing on the field with two other teams on deck geared up await them to finish their game and then swap places with them to jump right into their own series.
There will be a 2 minute timeout timer if one series ends before the other during the split-deck format.
When you finish your series you will wait until the next scheduled time for your second or third match of the day.
Generally speaking most teams will only have 2 Best of 7 matches each Event Day, but there may be a single event where a team could play 3 depending on how many teams register for the league.